Say it clearly with text overlays

Say it clearly with text overlays

Say it clearly with text overlays

Say it clearly with text overlays

Create titles, call outs, and lower thirds with our easy to use text options.

Create titles, call outs, and lower thirds with our easy to use text options.

Create titles, call outs, and lower thirds with our easy to use text options.

Create titles, call outs, and lower thirds with our easy to use text options.

image overlays header image
image overlays header image
image overlays header image
image overlays header image
text behind your head
text behind your head
text behind your head
text behind your head









Type your titles and paragraphs and place them on the canvas where you want them to appear. Also decide if you want to have the text in the foreground or behind you.

Type your titles and paragraphs and place them on the canvas where you want them to appear. Also decide if you want to have the text in the foreground or behind you.

Type your titles and paragraphs and place them on the canvas where you want them to appear. Also decide if you want to have the text in the foreground or behind you.

Your text

Your text

Your text

Your text

Your style

Your style

Your style

Your style

We curated beautiful fonts so you always find something that fits your style. After choosing a font, pick from text-styles like Bold and Italic.

We curated beautiful fonts so you always find something that fits your style. After choosing a font, pick from text-styles like Bold and Italic.

We curated beautiful fonts so you always find something that fits your style. After choosing a font, pick from text-styles like Bold and Italic.

format text
format text
format text
format text

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Try Detail Studio For Free

Add text to your video with the Detail app

Add text to your video with the Detail app

Try Detail Studio For Free

Add text to your video with the Detail app

Try Detail Studio For Free

Add text to your video with the Detail app

A video production crew in your pocket.

A video production crew in your pocket.

A video production crew in your pocket.

A video production crew in your pocket.