
Oct 13, 2022

We've added the ability to edit Scenes during playback so you can tweak your image and text overlays, zoom and auto framing settings after recording.

What's new

  • Edit in replay — Make edits to your Scenes even after you're done recording

What's updated

  • We've made some huge improvements to editing and replaying video in the timeline.

  • We've made it much easier to create and edit overlays.

  • We made some changes to the Library window to make it easier to find what you're looking for.

  • We fixed some screen sharing bugs that meant screens weren't showing up properly.

  • And we fixed a lot of crashes!

What's changed

  • Previously, when editing, switching scenes would make a cut in the currently selected clip and swap the newly created clip with that scene. Now, selecting a new scene will swap the whole clip without making a cut.

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