Detail ios app URL importer is the fastest way to make reaction videos
Detail ios app URL importer is the fastest way to make reaction videos
Detail ios app URL importer is the fastest way to make reaction videos

Tips & Tricks

Tips & Tricks

Tips & Tricks

This is the fastest way to make reaction videos


Tima Fofana


August 28, 2024

Creating engaging reaction videos has never been easier. You can now quickly transform any video into a reaction video with just a few taps. This new feature simplifies the process, allowing reaction video creators to focus on delivering their content without the hassle of complex workflows. Keep reading to learn how to use Detail to create reaction videos effortlessly.

A step-by-step guide to the fastest way to create reaction videos

Make sure you have the latest version of the Detail app installed on your iPhone before you get started. You can download it for free here.

1. Use the share sheet for quick access

The fastest way to start creating a reaction video is by using the iOS share sheet. Here’s how it works:

  • Open the video: Go to the app where the video you want to react to is located.

  • Tap share: Click the share button on the video.

  • Select Detail: Choose Detail from the share options. This action will automatically import the video into your Detail project.

2. Import directly using the reaction video shortcut

If you prefer, you can also import videos using the Reaction Video Shortcut in Detail:

  • Open Detail: Launch the Detail app on your iPhone.

  • Select Reaction Video Shortcut: Tap on the Reaction Video shortcut.

  • Paste the URL: Enter the URL of the video you want to react to. Detail will handle the rest, bringing the video directly into your project.

3. Record your reaction

Once the video is imported, you can start recording your reaction:

  • Playback control: When you press record, the video will play and loop in the background. Tap the video to pause it, allowing you to time your reactions perfectly. Tap it again to resume playback.

  • Edit your video: After recording, you can adjust your reaction video's layout and aspect ratio. Fine-tune the volume settings for both the original video and your reaction to ensure a balanced audio experience.

4. Enhance your video

Detail offers additional features to make your reaction video stand out:

  • Add Overlays and Titles: Enhance your video with overlays, titles, and captions.

  • AI features: Use the AI button to generate additional content like auto-captions or highlights.

5. Export and share

Once you’re satisfied with your reaction video, you can easily export it:

  • Save or share: Hit export to save the video to your camera roll or share it directly on social media.

Check out the video below to learn more!

Get the Detail app to make reaction videos faster than ever!

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