Share your screen

Share your screen

Share your screen

Share your screen

Share any display or window and record or stream them with ease. Create courses, tutorials or shine on video calls.

Share any display or window and record or stream them with ease. Create courses, tutorials or shine on video calls.

Share any display or window and record or stream them with ease. Create courses, tutorials or shine on video calls.

Share any display or window and record or stream them with ease. Create courses, tutorials or shine on video calls.

screen share header image
screen share header image
screen share header image
screen share header image
smooth screen sharing
smooth screen sharing
smooth screen sharing
smooth screen sharing

Super smooth

Super smooth

Super smooth

Super smooth

screen sharing

screen sharing

screen sharing

screen sharing

Share your displays and windows at 30 frames per second. This means a super fluent image. We can also capture the sound of the screen or window so your audience gets the full experience.

Share your displays and windows at 30 frames per second. This means a super fluent image. We can also capture the sound of the screen or window so your audience gets the full experience.

Share your displays and windows at 30 frames per second. This means a super fluent image. We can also capture the sound of the screen or window so your audience gets the full experience.





your screens

your screens

your screens

your screens

With different layouts to choose from you can record your screens and windows to create flexible picture-in-picture layouts for both vertical and horizontal video.

With different layouts to choose from you can record your screens and windows to create flexible picture-in-picture layouts for both vertical and horizontal video.

With different layouts to choose from you can record your screens and windows to create flexible picture-in-picture layouts for both vertical and horizontal video.

layout with camera and screen
layout with camera and screen
layout with camera and screen
layout with camera and screen

Try Detail Studio For Free

Try Detail Studio For Free

Share your screen with Detail

Share your screen with Detail

Try Detail Studio For Free

Share your screen with Detail

Try Detail Studio For Free

Share your screen with Detail

A video production crew in your pocket.

A video production crew in your pocket.

A video production crew in your pocket.

A video production crew in your pocket.